Dick Gabriel on Lisp

 The first thing that impressed me about is the age of Lisp, even today functional programming is considered black magic by a lot of people, is quite a different paradigm to what we are accustomed to and it being so old but still being a novelty is quite amusing, second thing is that he talked about making functions in runtime, that in a lot of situations would be awesome for some applications since clojure comes from lisp a expect it to have it too maybe even a better more refined version of it, I see how combining the compactness of the language and its ability to kinda write itself could be an enormous advantage thinking about programmer time and if you can do the same with less lines of code it will probably be cheaper to produce, maybe I’m wrong because at the end of the day you still have to think the logic of the program and it eats some of those savings.

Thinking about artificial intelligence and science guys as its core audience is quite advanced to this era, I think Lisp easily could be an idea of today, maybe with some changes because of technology limitation changes, but it can easily be conceived today pretty similarly, and to think it comes from a project that they thought would be many many months long and at the end only took one night is even more amusing, and I think that is the ideology of the Lisps a simple core and a language that basically writes itself obviously with some considerations, but thats it simple and flexible giving it a lot of power for different use cases.

I think I understood the meta circular interpreter at least its main idea and how can a function end up evaluating itself and everything else being sent to that function and the main function being c code of that main function so everyone can understand


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